Evgeny Kuznetzov Takes a Nasty Shot at His Teammate in New Interview

Published September 24, 2023 at 11:37
Washington Capitals star Evgeny Kuznetsov has never been shy to speak what's on his mind. In a recent interview, he called out his old head coach. Now Kuzy is calling out teammates as well.

Kuznetsov Takes A Nasty Shot At His Teammate

In a new interview, Evgeny Kuznetsov wasted no time taking a shot at his new teammate. Kuznetsov was asked about Alexander Alexeyev re-signing in Washington. His response about his teammate's extension is shocking.

«Sanya Alexeyev is so happy after the season,» Kuznetsov said per a transcription and translation by Google Translate. «‘I have two more years.' I say: ‘You're a fool. Now they'll sign someone and you'll be the seventh [defender] to ride [the bench most] of the year' – ‘No, what are you getting at?'


«In the end, they took (Joel) Edmundson, leaving (Rasmus) Sandin and (Martin) Fehervary. That's three left [defensemen]. And [Alexeyev's] signed for another two years.»

Kuznetsov calls out Alexeyev for re-signing in Washington when there is such a crowded group of left-handed defensemen. While it seems like Kuznetsov is just trying to look out for Alexeyev it comes across as an insult to him.

Is Kuznetsov's Shot At His Teammate Truthful?

Alexeyev did start to earn more playing time at the end of last year and could be in for a breakout. On the flip side, Kuznetsov could be right about Alexeyev's place in the team.

The Capitals head into the season with 7 defensemen who have had significant NHL playing time. As Kuznetsov said four of those 7 are on the left side. This likely means that the Capitals will scratch one of their left-handed defensemen.

Looking at the options of Joel Edmundson, Rasmus Sandin, Martin Fehervary, and Alexander Alexeyev it makes it pretty clear who the scratch could be. Edmundson is an NHL veteran who has played big minutes and was just signed so he won't be scratched. Rasmus Sandin had a breakout second half with the Capitals so he's safe to start the year.

This leaves a competition between Martin Fehervary and Alexander Alexeyev. Both play a defense-first style. Both are 23 years old. Both also had significant assets put into bringing them into the organization. Fehervary has more experience so the early playing time likely goes to him.

As the preseason and season goes along it will be interesting to see if Alexeyev truly is a fool for signing back in Washington like Evgeny Kuznetsov says.