Ryan Hartman shares what he actually said that upset Jordan Binnington so much

Published March 24, 2023 at 9:32
Jordan Binnington is widely known throughout the National Hockey League for his frequent outbursts and short fuse, a reputation he most recently reinforced during an altercation with the Minnesota Wild on March 16th.

Ryan Hartman, a forward for the Wild, humorously sheds light on why Binnington became so agitated. It's fascinating to hear the behind the scenes view, where Hartman is setting the stage fully anticipating Binnington's inevitable loss of composure.

It started with him spearing Ekker in the end of the first periodwell Ekker held from behind with his head up like always. He came up into the pile and gave him a little- a bag check and I was pretty pissed off about that. Kinda just let it settle ‘cause we were down 3-1 and then we scored 3 goals to make it 4-3, they called a timeout, and I went out there and just told him to stay in it, you're alright, just stay in it, you'll be okay. He didn't like it very much that's when he started coming over to our bench and mouthin' off. Before that draw, actually on that power-play I scored on, I actually told the ref Kelly Sutherland, I'm like hey Binnington is going to take a penalty this shift, you might wanna- ‘cause I was gonna stand in front of him, expecting him to whack me


Despite his history as a Stanley Cup-winning goalie, Binnington's temperament continues to be a source of interest and amusement across the league, with many watching to see when he'll inevitably lose his temper once again.