Canadiens goalie, Carey Price, ready to make a save
Photo credit: Los Angeles Times

Carey Price's wife releases sad statement: they are done in Montreal

Published April 2, 2024 at 4:35 PM

Carey Price has already distanced himself from the Canadiens' association, the decision to sell his house could be a further step in his separation from the Canadiens.

The sad truth of this announcement is that it is another step away from the Habs, during their most recent summer golf tournament, Carey realized that he no longer felt any connection with his teammates.

His wife Angela Price was asked about how she felt regarding the sale of their home, she said that it was a bit sad.

"I'm a bit sad. A lot of memories in that house! But it's been on the market for awhile (rented out to one of Carey's teammates for the season), so nice to have one less thing to worry about."

- Angela Price


Hopefully the Price family has found some happiness with this decision to move on.

Do you think the Canadiens should retire Price's jersey when his contract expires?

Source - Allhabs: CH: lots of sadness for Carey Price and his family
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