Brad Marchand, captain of the Boston Bruins
Photo credit: Markerzone

Michael Bunting nearly ends Brad Marchand's career with recklessness

Published April 14, 2024 at 1:56 PM

Michael Bunting hasn't always been the cleanest player on the ice, and now he's being accused of intentionally trying to injure Brad Marchand.

The Saturday night showdown between the Boston Bruins and Pittsburgh Penguins was key for both teams, and after the matchup, there's been plenty of talk coming out of the game. More than anything however was the accusations leveled towards Michael Bunting after his actions during the game, as he was seemingly reckless with his skate during the game, almost causing a major injury to Bruins captain Brad Marchand.

This is insane. I'm rattled man.

Sure, Marchand may not be the most popular player in the NHL, but this is recklessness to the level that no one in the league should see, as Bunting's skate was just inches from striking the Bruins captain in the face. There's just no need in the game for this, especially given the tragedy that we've seen unfold already this season, so it's incredibly lucky that Marchand didn't have his head in a different position when this happened.

This wasn't the only act that Bunting was called out for during the game, so while it's good to push the envelope, he needs to be careful not to take it too far.

michael bunting is a generational rat. as bruins fans we finally get to understand what its like to hate brad marchand.

Ultimately, nothing bad occurred on this play, but we could have seen another devastating injury if things had gone slightly different, and while there's always a place for people to play physical and even dirty on the ice, using your skate like this should never be a thing, so hopefully he can change his ways moving forward.
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