NHL Utah owner Ryan Smith
Photo credit: KUER

Ryan Smith comes clean about the plan for NHL Utah's logo and name

Published April 24, 2024 at 7:19

For the first time since the Seattle Kraken expansion draft, the NHL is going to see a new brand created, this time through Ryan Smith, new owner of the Coyotes.

While an official name and logo is still undecided, owner Ryan Smith joined Elliotte Friedman and Jeff Marek yesterday on the 32 Thoughts Podcast and came clean about their plan.

"The goal is we want it to be by Utah, for Utah, and let our fans and our people and our players take part in creating that,"

"If you look at the mountains on the (Jazz) jersey, I think that kind of breeds a little bit of a colour palette naturally, of fresh ice, the whole setup, blue skies, you see that," he said. "In a dream scenario, there's a Venn diagram where you've got the Jazz and this team ... where things could kind of overlap.

"You've got to leave a little room for teams to get out and do special stuff that's not going to be part of that diagram,"

"But I think there can be a really cool symmetry and I don't think it has to just be like Pittsburgh or everything else where everything's the exact same colour."

«We have like six or eight names that seem to be the ones," he said. "We've engaged Qualtrics (founded by Smith and partners) to do it from a survey standpoints and grab all the feedback and run the brackets so it's right."

Several names have been rumoured, including Blizzard, Venom, Black Diamonds, Yetis and Golden Eagles.

"I have my opinion but this is part of the reason why I want to do it with the fans is because unfortunately, or fortunately, my opinion weighs pretty heavily here,"

"That's not what we're trying to do. I truly want this fanbase to be able to name it."

It will be very exciting to have some freshness in the NHL. The Utah era has begun!

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