Kaiden Guhle being hit by Travis Konecny in a game between the Philadelphia Flyers and the Montreal Canadiens.
Photo credit: Globe and Mail

Kaiden Guhle to face hearing for dirty play last night

Published March 29, 2024 at 12:56

Kaiden Guhle of the Montreal Canadiens will face a hearing for a dirty play he did last night in a game against the Philadelphia Flyers.

The NHL made the official announcement a few minutes ago.

Guhle slashes Konecny from the bench in major dirty play.

After Flyers' forward Hathaway called out Guhle in his post-game comments, it looks like the NHL's Department of Player Safety will act on the defenseman's dirty play.

"The officials told us they didn't see anything, but I feel like the league is going to review the sequence." - Garnet Hathaway

After he got on the receiving end of a major hit by Konecny, Guhle decided to retaliate on the Flyers' veteran. Konecny was skating by the Habs' bench and Guhle extended his stick to slash him.

The play wasn't called by the referees.

Watch the video here:

Guhle to face a hearing for dirty play on Konecny last night

The NHL's DoPS shared on X that Guhle will face a hearing today for slashing Konecny.

Here's the League's statement:

"Montreal's Kaiden Guhle will have a hearing today for slashing Philadelphia's Travis Konecny."

Guhle's clean slate will surely help him, but this kind of gesture is widely criticized in the NHL.

The Flyers players weren't happy, especially considering that he went after a well-respected member of their locker room.

Montreal and Philadelphia will meet again on the ice this season, on April 9th, and it promises to be an intense game.

More to come.
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