John Tortorella and Martin St. Louis embrace.
Photo credit: The Athletic

John Tortorella shares his thoughts on Martin St-Louis

Published March 28, 2024 at 7:02 PM

Martin St. Louis has been in the news plenty as of late, and now, veteran coach John Tortorella has shared his positive thoughts on the young coach.

John Tortorella and Martin St. Louis have a long history together, and now, they are two of the most prominent coaches in the NHL. After going through some tough times as of late, Martin St. Louis is back behind the bench for the Montreal Canadiens to the love and support of many in the organization and around the entire NHL.

Now, Tortorella, a very familiar face has been asked about his former player as a Head Coach, and this is what he had to say;

John Tortorella on Martin St. Louis: "He's going to be such a good coach because he wears it, I think he has one of the most interesting minds when it comes to hockey. He can't give all his thoughts to his team, cause he has a lot of stuff going on in there we've had many conversations about that, cause he drove me crazy as far as how many things were going on in his mind when I coached him. I think he's going to be terrific"

St. Louis was the perfect type of Tortorella player throughout his career, and it's clear that he's already earned the admiration of the veteran during his short stint as a Head Coach and one of the brightest and most interesting minds in the NHL. With the Montreal Canadiens still rebuilding, it may be some time until St. Louis can turn all of that positivity and hockey IQ into playoff success, but if anyone can bring it out of this young, talented team, it's him.

It's also a positive sign that Tortorella had so much great stuff to say about St. Louis, as he's often been a harsh critic of players, executives and other coaches, so while it may take some time, it appears that the Montreal Canadiens have got the man needed to lead them to a very successful future in the NHL.
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