Tim Stutzle of the Ottawa Senators Yells at the Referee
Photo credit: @MattyNaslund26 on X

Legendary Ottawa Senator Fires Shots at Tim Stutzle

Published March 3, 2024 at 5:29 PM

We can argue over whether it's valid or not, but Tim Stutzle of the Ottawa Senators has a reputation going down easy, and being a bit childish when things don't go his way. It seems a former member of the Ottawa Senators, who was a fan-favourite during his time with the team, has noticed.

Former Ottawa Senator has Harsh Take on Tim Stutzle

Bobby Ryan took to his X account today to let people know that he was going to answer some questions and give some takes if people were interested.

"I'm spending my Sunday on a mission to civilize. I'm Don Quixote. Correcting every single half wit take I read. At least until my fiancé yells at me to make breakfast and or lunch."


There were plenty of people interested, of course, and topics were all over the place. That said, hockey fans concentrated on the current version of the Ottawa Senators, a team Ryan spent seven years playing for. One fan came out firing at the Sens, and Stutzle in particular, criticizing him for being "soft" and saying he wouldn't be able to hack it in the post season.

Fan: "Here's one: Stützle is too soft to ever see a 2nd round in the playoffs. Some players like you elevate in the playoffs, Stützle will get crushed. Sens need to start looking elsewhere."

Ryan: "Agreed"

Stutzle's Antics Noticed by Former Senator

Not exactly high praise for the Sens to young player from a guy who earned a ton of respect playing in Ottawa and was a fan favourite for many. Perhaps Stutzle's tirade against the officials for what he believed was a high stick, even though analyst Mike Johnson clearly disagreed with that assessment in this clip, saying Stutzle's face was two feet from the ice when a stick hit it.

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