Derek Lalonde, Head Coach of the Detroit Red Wings, on the bench during a game.
Photo credit: TSN

Red Wings Head Coach Hints at the Team's Plan for the Trade Deadline

Published March 2, 2024 at 9:04

The Detroit Red Wings head coach just gave a little more insight into what their plans might be for this week heading into the trade deadline.

Lalonde Speaks About Potential Trade Deadline Plans For the Detroit Red Wings

The Detroit Red Wings have done some serious work to bring their roster up to snuff in the last few years, notably bringing in Alex DeBrincat and Patrick Kane to help reshape their offence. However, they still sit in the middle of the pack in their division, prompting some to believe that there is still work to be done by General Manager Steve Yzerman.

Now, Red Wings Head Coach Derek Lalonde has spoken about the potential deadline plans in a recent interview.

«I don't know what I would like to see happen,» Lalonde said. «I think what Steve (general manager Yzerman) has done in his tenure -- obviously, the guys in the room he built -- there's a huge trust from both coaches and players on whatever he does. I'm comfortable coaching with whatever he does or brings us. I know he has the best interest in the micro, which is now, and the macro, which is the big picture going forward. So, I won't lose a ton of sleep. I don't think our guys will either."

«Maybe the most aggressive move of all will be no move at all. I think that would speak volumes on where our group is at,» he said.

Red Wings Hoping to Improve Down the Stretch

Obviously, the Red Wings are hoping to improve down the stretch of the season, as they want to be a contender this year. However, they do need to think long-term.

We will see what the team decides to do at the deadline, and if they take any major risks moving forward.

As seen on Hockey Feed - "Derek Lalonde hints at Red Wings Trade Deadline plans"
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