Nick Cousins makes a miraculous recovery from being on the ice to joining the scrum
Photo credit: Twitter/X: @SabresBuzz

Nick Cousins Plays Seriously Injured Before Joining Scrum

Published February 28, 2024 at 8:08

The Florida Panthers and Buffalo Sabres engaged in a tough 3-2 game on Tuesday night. There were 12 minor penalties throughout the game, along with two sets of coincidental minors. Nick Cousins was at the centre of a scrum at one point as well, which should be of no surprise.

Cousins starts a scrum, dives, looks to be seriously injured, and then joins the scrum

Nick Cousins was the one to incite a scrum in the second period while the Panthers were leading 2-1. Jordan Greenway was struck by Nick Cousins as he charged in to stir things up while Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen had the puck frozen. It just resulted in a whack to Cousins' chops that hardly touched his face.

When there was more commotion, Cousins got up to jump on the back of the closest Sabre. He had pretended to be gravely injured and had laid down on the ice, hoping to get a call. Here are a couple views of the play:

Kevin Bieksa was not amused with Cousins and went off on Sportsnet

Early in January of this year, Kevin Bieksa, a former NHL player and current Sportsnet analyst, criticized Nick Cousins' performance, and had this to say:

"people don't want to watch and see kneeing hitting a guy's head into the
boards, ramming a guy from behind, and that is a common theme for a player in this league. I've never done this before but I have to do it because this is a trend with this player and he's done this a numerous amount of times; ramming the guys heading to the boards.

You know the the hit earlier in the year on Gudbranson [and this hit] was just last year. There's no place in the game for this and what's the common theme in all these? [Cousins] at the bottom of the pile in a turtle position. Not like Brendan Smith standing up taking your medicine.

This has been a common theme for this player and listen I'm told he's a good guy. I'm told he's liked by his teammates and he's actually a pretty good hockey player, but somebody in that organization or somebody that he respects has to sit down and say 'enough of this, this doesn't help the Florida Panthers win, it doesn't make us a better team', or the NHL has to come down and hammer this guy [with a lengthy suspension]."

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