Paul Bissonette Weighs In On the Corey Perry Situation and He Is Furious

Published December 7, 2023 at 9:38
Paul Bissonnette recently opened up about the Corey Perry situation and he explains why he is so furious about what went down.

Bisonnette Rips Hockey Fans For Spreading False Rumors About Bedard and Perry

The Corey Perry situation in Chicago is just starting to die down now, several weeks after he was first pulled from the lineup. Within that time period, disgusting rumours about what happened, rumours about Perry and his Teammate's family, spread like wildfire.

Now, it's pretty clear that those rumours were just made up, and Paul Bissonnette of Spittin Chiclets ripped apart the fans who decided to spread such a disgusting and fake rumour.


I was very let down with all these f***ing idiots on Twitter. Now, most of you would be like, 'What do you expect from these f***ing idiots out there all the time, just trying to stir it up?' And I was f***ing disgusted by what happened.

Bissonnette Thinks Bedard Has the Highest Class and Maturity

Bissonnette went on to praise Bedard for how he handled the whole situation. Bedard, shutting down the questions about it during his time in Winnipeg, handled the disgusting questions with class and maturity of someone who has spent a decade in the League, let alone an 18-year-old rookie.

»This is this guy's personal life. So, as far as Connor Bedard handled it, and the way that his f***ing family had to deal with this, like he handled it with ultra class. And they've obviously raised a very intelligent kid, and a kid that couldn't have handled himself more appropriately during this f***ing bullsh*it time that he had to deal with.»

Either way, this rumour has been put into the dirt, and it shouldn't be spread any longer unless to say how it was false.

AS seen on The Hockey Beast - "Paul Bissonnette is absolutely furious, now says exactly what everyone is thinking after Corey Perry scandal"