Evander Kane Picks Up a Big Victory in his Bankruptcy Case

Published May 25, 2023 at 2:06 PM
A major victory for Evander Kane in his bankruptcy proceedings that have been going on for more than two years now. According to The Athletic, the judge in the case recently ruled Kane can walk away from a lot of his remaining debt, including an $8 million dollar loan from Centennial Bank. Kane's lawyer, Stephen Finestone, said his client is happy with the ruling.

"Evander is obviously pleased with the outcome and believes the decision vindicates his right to a financial fresh start through the bankruptcy process. A lot has been said in the press and the public about the allegations against him, but a trial in court has a way of bringing forward the facts."

"Now that the issue has been decided in Evander's favor, Ms. Parker can proceed with her attempt to prove that she has a claim that should not be discharged."

Ms. Parker


The Ms, Parker being referred to by Kane's Lawyer is Hope Parker. She's a former girlfriend of Kane's who claims she's owed $3 million dollars for abortions Kane insisted she have. There is still also one lender is the case that has an active claim.

Gambling Addiction

Kane admitted that his financial troubles were due to a gambling addiction that he said he has since overcome. When he filed for bankruptcy in January of 2021, he listed over $28 million in debts, with assets of just over $10 million. In his ruling, the judge stated why he sided with Kane.

"The story Evander Kane told about his financial predicament may not have peased his creditors, but Kane's testimony was thoughtful, coherent, and consistent with the extensive evidentiary record in this case."- Judge Stephen Johnson

Centennial Bank can still appeal the ruling. No word yet on whether they plan to do so.