Nikita Kucherov to Face Significant Supplemental Punishment for All-Star Game Antics?

Published February 4, 2024 at 10:39
Nikita Kucherov embarrassed the NHL with his antics during the all-star game and now could be punished for them.

Kucherov Embarasses The NHL

During the all-star skills competition a few nights ago, Nikita Kucherov showed up with an embarrassing effort making it clear he did not want to be there on his week off.


Nikita Kucherov wants absolutely nothing to do with the NHL All-Star Skills Competition

A rough showing from Nikita Kucherov in the passing challenge and the Toronto crowd lets him know

After this performance, Kucherov was booed by fans but that may not be all of the repercussions he faces.

Potential Suspension Incoming For Kucherov

League representatives saw Kucherov's performance and were less than pleased.

"I saw league representatives [after Kucherov's actions], and they were not very, very happy. It was a lack of respect and a lack of class towards hockey. I feel like he loved it even more; the crowd was booing him, and he took even more time." - Via TVA Sports

Now we will wait and see if Kucherov gets fined or suspended but surely the league is not happy with him at the moment.

As seen on House of Hockey - Kucherov Facing A Potential Suspension For His Actions During The All-Star Game