Anaheim Ducks forward Trevor Zegras
Photo credit: San Diego Union Tribune

Ducks head coach Greg Cronin brutally calls out Trevor Zegras

Published April 6, 2024 at 8:49

Trevor Zegras is one of the most dynamic and creative players in NHL history. His style of play may be too much for many, however.

When a reporter asked head coach Greg Cronin about his take on Zegras' style, which hasn't led to all that much success this year, he was brutally honest:

Asked Greg Cronin today on whether he feels the bar of accountability is higher when it comes to Trevor Zegras specifically. Here is his full response:


"Here's a guy that's attractive. The media likes him. The NHL likes him. Whatever those sports games they play, he's on the cover of that. He's a very sociable, likable kid, bounces around. He's like a butterfly, talks to everyone in the locker room. So, those qualities to me, when you draw that attention, you need to take that attention and convert it into some leadership. And if you frame that leadership around being great and trying to be excellent every shift, then you're in a win-win situation.

But if you sabotage that by whether you take foolish penalties or you turn pucks over multiple times and end up changing the momentum in the game, then you have to own up to that too. It's been a process with him but I do think-anybody that draws attention, there's an opportunity for those people to create an image and a standard for the team and if they don't do it, they're missing out on, again, going back to creating a non-negotiable standard and I've talked to Z about that and it's up to him to actually execute that."

With the Anaheim Ducks having begun to move in a different direction, with size becoming more of a priority, Zegras has been involved in numerous trade rumours.

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